deutsch.info is a free innovative Internet platform for learning the German language. Contemporary education methodologies make it easier for users to learn German while finding out a lot of useful information about life in Germany and Austria at the same time. Various language courses are targeted to the students of three levels (A1, A2 and B1). The website is accessible in 15 different languages, which makes it possible to learn German from scratch. deutsch.info is an international project developed by a group of 8 partners from 6 different European countries. This project was made possible with the financial support of the “Lifelong Learning Programme” of the European Commission. Since 2014 the projects got another funding in the “Erasmus+Programme” of the European Commission.
Recent press kit (German): Pressemappe deutsch.info 2015
Recent press release (German): Pressemitteilung deutsch.info 03/2015
Trailer available on YouTube
Mediaost Events and Communication GmbH was responsible for the development of a single marketing strategy for Germany and the countries of Eastern Europe, the planning and execution of the campaign, the choice of the means of communication, the work with press and the German partners, the distribution of the information about the project in other European countries and amongst the foreign language communities in Germany (ethno-marketing), the preparation of the press kit and organization of the press conference as well as the coordination of the press work for all of the partners of deutsch.info.
The kickoff of the education platform deutsch.info was announced in over 100 publications in Germany alone. After the press conference with the journalists from 6 different countries and foreign language communities, another 36 articles were published in Austria, Germany, Slovakia and Czech Republic. The number of users of deutsch.info speaks for the success of the campaign; at the end of the cardinal phase of the campaign, the number of users reached over 40.000. Currently deutsch.info has over 310.000 registered users from over 155 countries and is getting more and more popular.
The Internet site of the project: deutsch.info/en
Execution/Partners: Mediaost Events and Communication GmbH | Edukácia@Internet | Studio GAUS | Österreichische Institut | WBS TRAINING AG | English Unlimited Sp. z o. o. | Inter-kulturo d.o.o. | Centrum jazykového vzdelávání Masarykovy univerzity || With the financial support of: “Lifelong Learning Programme” of the European Commission || Services: Campaign for the connection with the general public || Activities: Press work | Connection with the general public | Ethno-marketing with the Russian, Turkish and Polish communities in Germany | Online marketing | Translation || Locations: Germany | Austria | Poland | Slovakia | Czech Republic | Slovenia || Time period: 2011 || Team: Anna Leonenko | Tatiana Sitnikova | Denis Demmerle | Manuela Georgiew | Ekaterina Vassilieva | Cornelia Reichel