  • Anna Leonenko – Geschäftsführerin/President | Анна Леоненко – директор
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About the coach


Anna Leonenko has been working in the field of German-Russian and European cultural and educational exchange for over 15 years. Born in Moscow, she studied journalism and mass media at Lomonosov Moscow State University. After graduation, Anna worked for various Moscow-based publications and PR agencies. In 2003 she moved to Berlin, where she continued her professional education in the field of communications and public relations within the “Master in Public Relations and Communication Management” program. In Germany, she worked for major companies such as fischerAppelt Kommunikation, Kulturprojekte Berlin and Berlin Partner. Anna is the co-organizer of the Russian Film Week, an annual film festival that has been taking place in the German capital for a decade. She is also a co-founder and board member of Festiwelt e.V., an association of Berlin film festivals. Anna Leonenko’s projects in recent years include the organization of cultural program “Days of Berlin in Moscow” and “Days of Moscow in Berlin”, development and implementation of PR-campaign of Berlin in Russia, image campaign of Kazakhstan in German media, marketing, advertising and PR-campaign of educational Internet platform for learning the German language in Eastern Europe. Anna has an extensive database of professional and personal contacts in Germany, Spain, Italy, France and other European countries.