  • Anna Leonenko – Geschäftsführerin/President | Анна Леоненко – директор
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The Spring of Russian Theater


Our agency produced a new theater festival, “The Spring of Russian Theater,” which took place in Berlin from the 1st to the 6th of June 2015. During the course of that week, the renowned Berlin stages of Schaubühne and Theater unterm Dach showed the works of Moscow theaters such as Theater.doc, Meyerhold Center and Praktika Theater among others. Though the classical Russian theater has earned indisputable respect within the European cultural context and is widely known in the west, we would like to give an introduction to the contemporary theater arts coming from Russia, to the plays of young artists abundant in experimental esthetics and profound current content. The festival took place with financial support of Hauptstadtkulturfonds.

See the press kit for further information (German):

Pressemappe Russischer Theaterfrühling 2015


Mediaost Events und Kommunikation GmbH was in charge for planning, coordination and organisation of the whole festival. The project management covered fundraising and the search for collaborating partners in the beginning, the communication and coordination with theaters in Berlin and Moscow, the preparation of the festivals programme, including the supporting programme, PR- and advertising campaigns (German/Russian), travel and visa management and the supervision of the artists during the week as well as the organisation and the editing of all necessary translations and subtitles.


Altogether five contemporary russian productions were shown during six days of festival. The festival was sold out after a very short time and shows the big appreciation and huge interest amongst Berliners for an event of that kind.


Idee und Projektmanagement: Mediaost Events & Kommunikation GmbH || Gefördert durch: Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin || Kategorie: Theater || Tätigkeit: Fundraising | Eventmanagement | Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit | Marketing || Tätigkeit: Organisation des Events inklusive Rahmenprogramm | Fundraising | Partnerakquise | Personalmanagement | Werbe- und PR-Kampagne | Mediaplanung | Pressearbeit | Reisekoordination | Übersetzung | Untertitelung || Wo: Berlin || Wann: Juni 2015 || Team: Anna Leonenko | Anna Sarré | Ekaterina Vassilieva | Oksana Schäfer | Katharina Januschewski | Katharina Friesen | Ekaterina Prause | Maria Kusnezow | Maria Dyakonova | Tatjana Ilichenko | Yulia Vaschenko | Iwan Kustow | Elena Maier | Freya Ebner | Patrick Wittstock | Maxim Bau | Denis Martel | Sergey Karamyshev | Sylvana Bonawenturski